Talente Management (TM)

Measurement object / dimensions
This test is one of the few procedures in the personnel selection process that measures both intelligence and personality and produces an evaluation that provides concrete indications of existing "talent" as a specialist or manager (with a completed Bachelor's or Master's degree or shortly before). The test can also be used to support training during "trainieses" (= going through an entry program in a company).

Brief description of the procedure

Jörg A. Prieler & Dietmar Reihs

Area(s) of application
Business psychology, recruiting process

The TM combines intelligence (logic, practical intelligence) and personality (108 items) and provides a comprehensive IST-SOLL profile of the respondent with 21 personality traits.

Execution time
Approx. 35 minutes

Reliability in the sense of internal consistency is given due to the validity of the rating scale model. Nevertheless, Cronbach's alpha and retest reliabilities were calculated:
In a study of 269 people, reliability coefficients for the individual scales were determined to be in the range of 0.72 to 0.94 (Cronbach's alpha).
To determine the stability, 139 people were tested a second time at six-month intervals. The retest reliabilities are between 0.68 and 0.82.

The validity of the TM is given because there is a high degree of agreement with other test procedures (WAVE, Professional Styles, Saville Consulting, BIP, Hogrefe Verlag), some of which measure similar dimensions, and because there is little or no agreement with test procedures that measure something else (convergent and discriminant validity).
In a second validation study (persons with good vs. poor trainee assessment, N=128) with subsequent cross-validation (persons with good vs. poor trainee assessment, N=103), the scale differences between these two groups were analyzed inferentially (variance and discriminant analysis).
In a third validation study (long-standing and, according to the GF, successful department heads, N=66), the TM was specified and compared with the scale values of the norm sample. This data was also used to optimize the ideal profile.

Evaluation / Standards
Norm values (stanine scale) are issued for the individual scales, and work is ongoing to expand them. At present, norms are available for normal persons (N=351) and trainees (N=298); breakdown by gender, age and level of education available. For copyright reasons, norm tables are not presented, as is customary internationally with many test publishers today; the norms are part of the evaluation software and are not published.

Execution methods
Possible on PCs/laptops/touchpads without restriction. On mobile phones only to a limited extent, as input with a finger is somewhat cumbersome (but possible in principle).

German, English

Security and data protection
The IR&C system meets the latest IT requirements ("banking standard"). As an additional security measure, personal codes can also be assigned instead of the specific names of the persons tested. Customers only need to provide sufficient PCs/laptops/touchpads with or without an Internet connection (on/off-line capable, also intranet-capable).