Occupational psychology in companies
You can tell whether you need occupational psychology advice by the strange things that happen at work:
Frequent short periods of sick leave, inexplicable "blackouts" of reliable colleagues or incidents that should not exist.
All of this can be the result of unbearable work pressure. The competencies of occupational psychologists include, among other things
- Improvement of work processes
- Dealing with work-related psychological stress: Stress management, promotion of the working atmosphere: communication structures, conflict management
What does occupational psychology do in the company?
Occupational psychology can ensure that the performance of employees and the organization is maintained or even increased. It can also significantly improve the company's image by improving employee loyalty. There is less sick leave and an optimized flow of information. Employee well-being, job satisfaction and motivation are increased.
Legal basis: Prevention time according to the Employee Protection Act (§ 82a ASchG): The prevention time per calendar year at office workplaces (low physical strain) is 1.2 hours per employee, for employees at other workplaces: 1.5 hours per employee. 25% of the prevention time prescribed by occupational medicine can be covered by occupational psychology.
Examples of occupational psychological prevention:
- Information & education about psychological stress and its consequences
- Analysis of mental stress: Information overload, work density, no work breaks
- Employee surveys: Individual or group interviews
- Coaching & supervision to ensure the quality of team work
- Moderation: of health, collaboration and stress circles
- Organizational and team development: for new teams to quickly increase efficiency
- Conflict moderation and mediation: interdepartmental conflicts, terminations,...
- Stress management, relaxation: biofeedback, imagination
- Burnout: better time management, motivational strategies
- Communication: conflict management, annoyance
- Bullying: non-violent and non-aggressive communication
- Safety: Safety psychology is an essential part of operational safety management.
- Accident prevention, safety behavior, crisis situations (e.g. robberies), accidents
- Lifestyle: work-life balance, exercise, diet, smoking, alcohol, other addictions.
- Emergency psychological support: to prevent trauma, offers rapid psychological support (e.g. after attacks, explosions, serious accidents, deaths, etc.)
IR&C meets all legal requirements and requirements relating to occupational psychology. Your benefits: healthy, motivated employees and a good working atmosphere. It is easier for employers and managers to take responsibility for the mental health of their employees. We are happy to offer you an orientation meeting. All our measures can be carried out individually or in groups!