Vocational aptitude tests and career counseling

Career choice diagnostics:
No one should close themselves off from their future.
Due to constant demand from compulsory schools, we have been conducting career orientation tests with the AMS Burgenland every school year (from September to June) since 1998 as free support for individual career and training choices for pupils in the 8th grade or at a polytechnic school. This test is also suitable for high school graduates and apprenticeship seekers up to the age of 18. Approximately 500 pupils/apprenticeship seekers are tested each year.


The focus is on people
People often do not know exactly where their professional strengths and weaknesses lie - this is the subject of occupational psychology
Vocational psychologists analyze the student's performance profile and develop a sensible training roadmap on a scientific basis. Proposed solutions are sought and communicated for each individual by means of counseling, testing, assessment and research. This is a central task of modern vocational psychology.

The professional psychologist is not a psychiatrist
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who deals with mentally ill people. A psychologist is not a doctor, he is interested in the behavior of healthy people. Professional psychologists determine the performance, behavior and attitude of generally healthy people. They also offer the opportunity to learn more about behavior or adjustment problems and to initiate changes.

The examination methods (written tests and questionnaires) have been compiled by AMS experts according to the latest school and occupational psychology findings. On average, the examination takes about three teaching units, including breaks.

The result is an objective picture of performance and interestswhich is then discussed in detail in a joint counseling interview with the student + AMS youth counselor + parents + psychologist; of course, school performance is also taken into account.

The AMS currently offers this service (testing, expert opinions, advice) free of charge. You can register for the test with the youth counselor at the regional AMS office in your district.

Herbert H. takes part in the career choice assessment. The result is intended to be an opportunity for Herbert to objectively identify his strengths and weaknesses so that he can make sensible training and school plans. Herbert realizes that, contrary to his original fears, the diagnostic procedures have 'helped him a lot'. He now has a clear idea of his future education plan and has gained new insights into his strengths and weaknesses, regardless of the teacher's assessment. Herbert H.: 'I benefited a lot from the careers guidance test. From that point of view, I was very lucky that our teachers made such an effort for this offer from the AMS. I know many classmates who didn't have this luck. Today, two years later, Herbert H. is a happy student at a communications technology technical college: 'For me, the career choice initiative has paid off. However, some of my schoolmates have already thrown in the towel, either because they had the wrong idea about this field of training or because their skills clearly lay in other areas."
Both of these information deficits can be eliminated through a consultation with experienced youth counselors long before a school or career choice is made.