Suicide Risk
What is suicidal behavior?
Suicide is the deliberate, intentional and self-induced ending of one's own life. Before a person kills themselves, they think a lot about their suicide and usually announce it.
Those at risk of suicide feel helpless and hopeless and believe that their current problems are unbearable and insurmountable. In addition, they often know little about how they could deal with the situation differently.
How do you recognize that someone is suicidal?
The person at risk...
- withdraws more and more, isolates himself
- extremely negative thoughts more often than usual, shows fewer interests, fewer interpersonal relationships
- talks about wanting to kill himself, announces in writing or through drawings, symbols or actions the
- Suicide (collecting pills, putting affairs in order, saying goodbye, giving away loved ones)
- is anxious, depressed, helpless, desperate
- suffers from severe mood swings
- loses control of their own actions (e.g. drives under the influence of alcohol, becomes violent, etc.)
- is unexpectedly calm after a suicidal expression
- seems to be difficult to reach in conversation
If you notice an accumulation of alarm signs, the person concerned belongs to a risk group and/or there is an acute stress situation, action must be taken!
Every statement or action that indicates a suicide must be understood as a cry for help that must not be ignored!
Dealing with the risk of suicide
What can you do if you have suicidal thoughts?
- Confide in someone!
- Make use of professional help!
What can you do if you know someone who is suicidal?
- Address the topic!
- Seek professional advice to better assist the person at risk!
- Don't leave a person in crisis alone!
- In the event of acute self-endangerment, you must protect the person against their will if necessary - the police can arrange for them to be placed in a psychiatric hospital!
What should you avoid when dealing with people at risk of suicide?
- comfort prematurely
- Give advice, instruct, admonish
- play down the problem, dismiss it as not so tragic
- assess and comment without taking the person concerned seriously
- Investigate, question, analyze
- Set activities prematurely
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